A spot of bravery by me - cutting into a layer cake for the very first time! I kept it simple and followed a pattern that I found online, somewhere that I now can't remember. The blocks ended up about 9" square once trimmed. Easter Sunday late afternoon was used to play with the layout. All of the blocks have been pieced together into rows and these will be sewn together tonight once the children have gone to bed!!!
I'm liking it so far. Just waiting on a couple of parcels so that I can have it finished off soon.
Project 2 - The Delilah quilt, my SIL's wedding gift from us. I knew that this one needed to be a bigger quilt than I usually make but then I found out that she has a Super King sized bed. Once I worked out the size and then cost of fabric to make a quilt that big I revised my plans. Instead of being a full on quilt I am now thinking of a large runner which will cover most of the bed - similar to a Pat Bravo Dreaming in French quilt I made for our bed last year (photos to follow).
A set of half yards were purchased from an Etsy seller, some different vintage style prints from UK sellers and a few pieces of Delilah that I just happened to have in a scrap bag that I bought a while back and I now have 15 blocks made. I've gone with a rather hotchpotch style for the blocks and it seems to be working well with the mix of fabrics and the style of quilt - 'vintage'.
A little bit of trimming and squaring up to do to make all the blocks 19" x 19", again later tonight. Then I should be able to work on a final layout and begin to piece them altogether. So far I've been working on the basis of 5 block x 3 block, making the quilt about 93" x 58". Hopefully this size would work on a Super King bed if not I'll probably have to make an extra 3 blocks to increase the width. But I have plenty of time as the wedding isn't until August!
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