Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Wonky blocks - complete!

I've done it, a second quilt completed within a week, OK I know I've had it sat around for a while but the basting, quilting and binding was all done once the Ginger Blossom quilt was finished.
I've managed to take this picture but as you can probably tell, the weather is dull and there are quite a few rain clouds in the sky hence the indoor shot. I'll take more tomorrow as this one doesn't quite do the quilt justice.
Digby loves it - so much for keeping it hidden until her birthday next month. The scrappy binding and random straight line diagonal quilting looks fab - something I'm sure to use again in the future.

Monday, 15 August 2011

Ginger Blossom completed!

I finally got round to finishing the Ginger Blossom quilt last week but then the weather decided to turn to being totally rubbish and I couldn't get a half decent picture of it. Today is lovely and sunny and bright, perfect photograph taking conditions, so here it is.
I'm about 90% happy with it to be honest, the backing isn't perfect due to the basting. I use safety pins but I think I might try some of that fancy basting spray. I've some how managed to get a few puckers on the back when I quilted it, nothing major but it still makes me feel a little bit sad. I haven't washed and dried the quilt yet but I'm hoping a little bit of shrinkage might disguise it. This time round I've used Hobbs hierloom batting which should crinkle up nicely.
For the past couple of days I've been working on the wonky blocks quilt for Digby - all quilting now done, lots of random straight (and a few not so straight) lines done all over in a mix of purple and pink thread. It makes a good contrast and seems to be working well with the mix of colours in the blocks. Just the binding to attach and another quilt will be done!
My next project might involve breaking open my Sherbet Pips jelly roll - If I'm brave enough!

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Catching up

The school summer holidays are here - at last! Though to be very honest this academic year seems to have flown by. Now that I have a bit more time on my hands it I'm taking the chance to catch up on a few things.
First of all I've managed to finally finish the Ginger Blossom quilt top and on Monday I pieced the remaining 4 blocks onto the backing fabric. I've gone with a solid in an olive green colour. I was dithering between green and pink but I think my friend is more of a green girl overall. You can just see the backing peeking out from behind the quilt top. My plan is to get this beauty basted over the next few days and hopefully quilted.
I've also been messing around with a few scraps to make these wonky stars. I've seen them around on various blogs and thought I'd give them a go. I used the following tutorial which was really simple and easy to follow, I think I may have found something that I'm going to use again and again and probably again too. http://thesillyboodilly.blogspot.com/2009/02/wonky-star-tutorial.html

There has also been rather a lot of stash building too. Some more Max and Whiskers half yards - I now have enough to make a small quilt for a new baby boy if I need to at some point.
And finally here are my yard set of From Little Things - truely a bargain (I think they were $5 each!). No plans for these yet but isn't that always the way, I'm sure they will be used or probably just stroked ;o)
No sewing for me today - Digby has a friend around and a spot of catching up on household chores for me inbetween searching the main house buying/selling websites trying to find our next pad. The tidying up of the sewing room must have worked as we've now sold - eeekkk!